OCCUPYGHANA® Stands With the President on Calling Galamsey Bluff

OCCUPYGHANA® Stands With the President on Calling Galamsey Bluff

1st May, 2017


OccupyGhana® is encouraged by President Nana Addo Dankwah Akufo-Addo calling the bluff of Galamsey operators in his speech at a durbar of the chiefs and people of Akyem Wenchi last week.
The threat by Galamsey operators not to vote for the NPP in the next general election was meant to frighten the government and the presidency into slowing down on, or abandoning the clamp down on illegal mining.
The President’s outright refusal to compromise on this issue speaks volumes of his desire to be on the right side of history and action in this matter, irrespective of the potential political cost to him or his party.
This is a good example to all Ghanaians.
We have tried, along with our media partners and other well-meaning groups and individuals to bring to the forefront of national debate the egregious effects of this menace on our water bodies, lands, health, our communities and the nation at large.
This is a fight that must be fought together by all Ghanaians and cannot be won without the support of the citizens, the government and, most of all, the President of the nation.
That is why we are pleased at the stance taken and leadership provided by the President in this matter. We hope that the fight against this scourge will continue on an even higher level.
With the President taking the lead and the support of all well-meaning Ghanaians, we will win!

Yours in the service of occupying minds for God and Country