OccupyGhana® Questions Parliament’s Priorities As It Plans On A New 450-Seat Chamber

4th JULY, 2019



OccupyGhana®, like several other Ghanaians, is trying to come to grips with the news that our parliamentarians want a new 450-seat chamber. We have noted the profound anger and disbelief among a lot of the population, and for good reason.

The planned chamber, besides its 450 seats, is also expected to house a chapel, a mosque and gardens. The present chamber which seats 275 lawmakers will be converted to a conference centre, we are told.

Looking at the extent of the work planned, one can easily surmise that it won’t be cheap. Moreover, it hints at a plan to increase the number of seats in Ghana’s parliament and with that, more lawmakers.

Which brings us to several questions:

1. How is this project going to be funded?

2. How is this project considered a priority at this time?

3. Why do we need to provide for an increase in the number of lawmakers? Do we need 450 lawmakers?

4. Why has the Public Affairs Directorate of Parliament remained mute on this matter and not provided answers to inform citizens?

The very fact that in light of all the problems Ghana faces, our parliamentarians think a new chamber is of utmost importance shows a significant disconnection from the lot of the people they are supposed to represent.

We cannot believe that Parliament and its leadership would even contemplate something so inconsiderate at a time when so many Ghanaians still struggle in these difficult and trying times. Even sadder is the fact that it eats away at the confidence people have in the democratic process.

While noting that Parliament itself has no power to appropriate state funds or obtain a loan for this, we nevertheless call on our lawmakers to abort this plan and immediately take steps to win back the confidence and trust of the people who they are supposed to be working for.

For God and Country.
